Sunday, April 22, 2007

Sorry for the lack of updates lately, but i've been busy !

This update is on a personal level, and for copyright purposes, let me explain all started a while back when just for fun i filled out some forms for "trying to win a free laptop !", one of the partners was, so i decided to submit a poem and they liked it and it ended being published in a book that i just received recently.

Here is the poem i want to submit, it's another side of my style, so far i just submitted "The Journey" and another one at that people can go check out and vote for it and tell friends if they like...but since Noble House is located at the Empire State Building...i feel like submitting something like this:

Why I Beleive in a God

Since Scientists Can't Solve From What We and Life Evolved
What Caused "The Big Bang" and Created the Sun,Moon and Stars
Who Knows...but Also who Knows Where God Is ?
If We are His Image, Why is He Hidding from his Kids ?
Is He Flesh & Bones or just a Holly Spirit ?
If He's Perfect & Immortal, why are we Mortal & Wicked ?
Why Does He let Bad Things Happen to Good People ?
Those That Are trying to be Peaceful when Troubled by Evil
Capitalism turned Free Trade and Democracy into Fascism
Can the People ever subject to Theocracy...Divine Communism ?
Three Religions are Fighting for Our Votes and World Supremacy
They Claim to Worship the One True God but Could it be Idolatry ?
Some say Followers of one Control "The Holly Land" and the Money
Another Colonized, Civilized & "Discovered" the "Third World" to
Install Puppet Regimes to Control the Ressources and the Territory
The third Openly Keeps women for Polygamy, in Slavery and out of the
Sanctuary, basically want to Return to the days of the 7th Century
Can God or Us bring these things to a Halt without turning into Hulk
I'm willing to receive many Insults until I can be part of a Cult
where Truly Following The Ten Commandments is not Difficult
I Beleive because Inside me there's a Light or Spark
That keeps me Walking without Fear in the Dark
Or In the Hot Desert not Scared of "The Chickenhawks" that Stalk
Atheism and Heathenism can't Enter Me like Sharks into Noah's Ark !

anyway...that's all for now

messed up what happened at Virginia kinda inspired the Noble House Poem... i don't support what Cho did ...but...i don't think they know how it feels, or they don't care and seriously...when is Enough ...enough ...that's all i'll say on that !



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