Sunday, July 13, 2008

Quick Update of my video archive, i tried to add 4 new videos to my videogoogle account, 2 of them were uploaded without a problem, and 2 were uploaded but wont play for some reason. Here are brief descriptions of each video and links to view or download them:

The 'Jesus' Challenge (Evidence for the existence of Jesus The Christ or of Yeshua ben Pandira)

Was Jesus...Yeshuah ben Yosef or Yeshuah ben Pandira, son of a carptenter or son of a roman soldier, the son of god or the son of a prostitute ?

Was the founder of Christianity just a man or was he divine ? Did he resurrect from the dead like Osiris ? Was he a sorcerer, a gnostic or a an initiate in the egyptian mysteries (symbol of early christians was the fish...right)?

i agree that someone special lived during that time just before the destruction and dispersion of the remnants of hebrews Israelites still left in The Land of Israel,also that Vespasian and Trajan (?) burned the Temple of Jerusalem, also that Nero burned Rome and persecuted certain people... but even their story of Peter being crucified upside down reminds me alot of "The Hanged Man" of The Tarot...

this video from the makers of the Zeitgest Challenge brings proof from certain historians of the existence of .................. , did all the people that died since his death (and possibly his resurrection) believing in him died in vain ? This Debate will go on til... kingdom come ! lol

Download link:

1507 Waldseemüller WORLD MAP SHOWING AMERICA (map made before 1555 in Germany)

Library Of Congress Acquires Copy of 1507 Waldseemüller World Map
Waldseemüller named the new lands "America" on his 1507 map, this is a video of the lecture on the map to which German Chancellor Angela Merkel spoke on behalf of the German Government (which also proves to me that american-german ties go way back to Bavaria and the Skulls & Bones secret societies and elite families)...

this map, african slavery was all part of a premeditated plan (Enterprise) which THEY think was a success !

Download Link:

Library of Congress Lecture on Maps (Also Speaks on Waldseemüller Map)

Another lecture on the release of a book on maps (?)... various people connected with the makings of the book talk about some of their favorite maps and more...

The Modern Racist Paradigm Documentary

Documentary on how each of us are sometimes unconsciously racist in our subconscious when placed in certain situations,also on the effects of television,the world of entertainment,advertising and the european idea of beauty has on the young people that are not of european descent...

Plus, i also uploaded a documentary i found on the use of the word ''nigger'' called 'The N Word - Divided We Stand (2004)'. It features Richard Pryor, Samuel L. Jackson, Ice Cube, Chris Rock and alot of other famous black entertainers talking about this 'byword'.

Easily the most inflammatory, shocking and historic word in the English language, the N word has smoldered in the American psyche for over a century. It has morphed from a source of hate, degradation and embarrassment to a term of endearment used amongst the many races of young people. But is that OK? Surf the web or eavesdrop in the lunchroom and you will find the N word is alive. Has overuse removed its horrific origins; has it lost its power to insult and enrage? Given the word’s continually shifting use, The N Word is a brave and bold confrontation of the taboo, exploring the history and relevance of the word and the social status within and between races. The N Word ignites the conversation. Let the debate begin!

Download link:

Plus i'll start uploading songs (or compilations i'll make) from time to time that i'm listening to, so y'all can see what state of mind this nigga is in, for today i'm just gonna post these 4 :

Solomon Childs - Dear Lord:

Immortal Technique feat. Akir & Pharaoh Monch - Apocalypse Remix:

Army of Pharaohs - Seven:

Pain Language (Dj Muggs & Planet Asia) - 9mm :

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