Sunday, November 23, 2008

IS CNN WATCHING ME ? ….COOL ! what`s next you`ll come interview me for your alien documentary ! lol

(It`s 11:59 on the beast clock ! tic toc tic toc tic toc…. Damn DL…join their synagogue if u want…learn how to read your cue cards right at least u sell out !) forget what happened to wolf blitzer …what happened to you house nigga

well I guess I should try reporting the news then :

I was watching Don Lemon acting like he really was appalled by some stories he was presenting (all linked to MK-Ultra in my opinion), I guess they are pulling out all their options to scare the people (even their overplayed out documentaries) into scaring you (I understand them in a way but…) into wanting more gun controls and once the population ask that…they bring in their solution : Martial Law and they have the licence to go in all your neighbourhoods and confiscate your guns which will create more anarchy then the thing in Portand ( I`m gonna wait to see if they will find him and if he was in any way “paid” to be a catalyst for the end of your so-called beautifull country and civil rights…YOU SHOULD KEEP KIDS AWAY FROM GUNS (I don`t support ownership of guns but it’s a good way to keep “foreign troops” from doing what they plan to do…yep foreign troops…remember WACO, keep them locked up, DO NOT LET YOUR KIDS KNOW WHERE YOUR WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION ARE ! COME ON PEOPLE…DAAMMMM !) TV (even South Park can cause kids to start beaten up kids just because they have red hair…this is almost unbelievable to me…but this is reality) AND VIDEO GAMES ( some kids run away if u take them away, some kids when they get mad at you for getting spanked go “Resident Evil”)…it`s really the resurrection of the vampires….lol !

But the story that I was really “half-reported” is the story about how in Nebraska parents have the right to abandon their child. I could understand if the child is violent (but they did not get violent overnight, it`s a slow process to madness in a land where immorality is promoted to it’s apex), imagine some of the kids are already crazy (maybe because of their environment and society), what`s the solution sometimes the hospital (Creighton) sends them to “Boys Town”….never heard of that place….look at google video for a little documentary called “Conspiracy of Silence” and read this

how was that ?

good thing I took a little brake to from watching NASA’s space mission through my TVU Player (download that there are a lot of good channels like The Naked Truth and others (FREE PUBLICITY, look for links between OBAMA & ACORN…BLACK PEOPLE …PREPARE YOURSELF THE SMOKE SCREEN IS DISSAPATING…BREAK DOWN HIS NAME IN HEBREW AND SEE WHAT IT MEANS…"the blessed spirit of the dead necromancer with a cubit ? watch the channel EXPOSING 9-11, Police State & Tyranny they are airing WHO KILLED JFK, he was murdered 40 years ago today, so there is two options (timelines)possible today ?!!?" STOP DRINKING THE KOOL-AID IF U DON`T…) to turn on CNN, so thanks for making me post this, a little babe in swatling clothes is just killin you hoes !

here’s a few more head shots :

Mount Nemrut - The Throne of the Gods

Black's Law Dictionary 1st Edition

Black's Law Dictionary 2nd Edition

since i was not even allowed to study and become a scientist in college (they organize a plan to blackball me when one day i was bored in class and one guy sitting next to me just got scared shitless when he saw my drawing of a black jesus)

So i quit school and try to make it in the music business, i first tried to be a rapper, i tried to be on that positive stuff, but even the people around me were trying to stop me, so i started producing for rappers but they were rapping about stuff that i didn't really care much about because everybody was doing the same SHIT.
so if u want to laugh some more at me listen to these !

since all my plans to get a good education or to become a conscious rapper or producer for conscious rappers got foiled: i turned to the search for the true God, but as you read in my other post, i almost got "tricked" again

so now i'm just a blogger, who is still likes "old rap songs"

Conscious B-Boy Song Collection MegaPack 04

Conscious B-Boy Song Collection MegaPack 05

well, this is the story of my life, pretty sad isn't it ! well, if something happens to me today, IT'S ALL GOOD BABY BABY ! I'll be rooting for the pirates holding the oil ships hostage and all the freedom fighters and truth seekers still left behind, i'll plead for our case to the creator !

Peace be unto you all, especially for my beloved Congo (but i ain't forgetting about all the countries where these devils masquerading as humanitarians and peacekeepers are being looted !


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